Labour's demise the BNP's chance?
Posted by Conservative Vision / Thursday, 1 October 2009 /
When asked to describe the BNP, it is a fairly safe bet that the response given will be 'far right'. They're racist, afterall; their agenda is a discriminatory one favouring those of indigenous white heritage. Those who fail to meet these specifications are forbidden from joining the party and, should the BNP be elected to govern the country, people who do not fall into this narrow social band will be asked to voluntarily repatriate (how considerate...). On the surface, the party does seem to be espousing views that are typical of the far right wing. The 'right wing' tag is ascribed to the BNP in such a broad way that it may at the same time tar the moderate right with the same brush. In the popular psyche, right wing comes to represent the worst of political opinion - an attack on all that is not 'British', and an ideology that can not possibly accommodate notions of diversity.
But it is important that the record is set straight on this matter.
The BNP is left wing, plain and simple. It advocates a brand of socialism within the context of a republic Britain. Social housing and tax relief are high on its agenda, making it a particularly attractive proposition for the working class. Indeed, in areas in which the BNP has made significant gains (such as Luton and Dagenham), it is traditionally Labour seats that have been challenged. I propose an alternative to the currently accepted view. The BNP, rather than being 'far right', are simply racist left-wingers. Racism is not confined to one end of the political spectrum; socialism does not abolish derogation along ethnic or class lines. What we have in the BNP is Labour of 1983 with an underlying racist agenda. To define the BNP as right wing is a completely unfounded assertion, and I am sick to the back teeth of hearing those on the Left gloat that a vote for Labour is a vote against the 'far right'.
There is, however, a far scarier proposition to consider.
It is no secret that the Labour Party is in dire financial straits - the party is struggling to meet loan interest payments stretching into the millions, whilst fundraising events have failed to make a dent in the money owed. Add to this the threat of a funding withdrawal from unions such as UNITE, and the United Kingdom must prepare for the significant possibility of a diminished role for Labour in the party politics of this country. This is significant; when Labour underachieve, the BNP vote rises.
Without a stable left wing alternative, I predict that the BNP fan club would soar to stratospheric levels. The BNP are Labour's UKIP - a pressure group keeping tabs on the party's line in certain areas. The core Labour vote are attracted by promises of social provision, public service development and schemes that favour the working man. It is areas in which Labour are seen to shun these responsibilities that we see a rise in the BNP vote.
It is both for my sanity and the reasons stated above that I feel we must begin seeing the BNP for what they really are: a racist, far Left body. If we fail to make this distinction as a country, we will face significant problems in the event of a Labour collapse. Parties on all sides of parliament must begin to treat the BNP as a party looking to mobilise voters who have lost faith in the party they used to believe in, and in the BNP they have found a party firmly committed to these ideals. A party that will never renege on its duties of servitude to the blue collar classes, and for whom a racist agenda is not perceived as such, but as a drive to look out for the ordinary man's interests.
The threat is real, and it is something that must be realised soon.
But it is important that the record is set straight on this matter.
The BNP is left wing, plain and simple. It advocates a brand of socialism within the context of a republic Britain. Social housing and tax relief are high on its agenda, making it a particularly attractive proposition for the working class. Indeed, in areas in which the BNP has made significant gains (such as Luton and Dagenham), it is traditionally Labour seats that have been challenged. I propose an alternative to the currently accepted view. The BNP, rather than being 'far right', are simply racist left-wingers. Racism is not confined to one end of the political spectrum; socialism does not abolish derogation along ethnic or class lines. What we have in the BNP is Labour of 1983 with an underlying racist agenda. To define the BNP as right wing is a completely unfounded assertion, and I am sick to the back teeth of hearing those on the Left gloat that a vote for Labour is a vote against the 'far right'.
There is, however, a far scarier proposition to consider.
It is no secret that the Labour Party is in dire financial straits - the party is struggling to meet loan interest payments stretching into the millions, whilst fundraising events have failed to make a dent in the money owed. Add to this the threat of a funding withdrawal from unions such as UNITE, and the United Kingdom must prepare for the significant possibility of a diminished role for Labour in the party politics of this country. This is significant; when Labour underachieve, the BNP vote rises.
Without a stable left wing alternative, I predict that the BNP fan club would soar to stratospheric levels. The BNP are Labour's UKIP - a pressure group keeping tabs on the party's line in certain areas. The core Labour vote are attracted by promises of social provision, public service development and schemes that favour the working man. It is areas in which Labour are seen to shun these responsibilities that we see a rise in the BNP vote.
It is both for my sanity and the reasons stated above that I feel we must begin seeing the BNP for what they really are: a racist, far Left body. If we fail to make this distinction as a country, we will face significant problems in the event of a Labour collapse. Parties on all sides of parliament must begin to treat the BNP as a party looking to mobilise voters who have lost faith in the party they used to believe in, and in the BNP they have found a party firmly committed to these ideals. A party that will never renege on its duties of servitude to the blue collar classes, and for whom a racist agenda is not perceived as such, but as a drive to look out for the ordinary man's interests.
The threat is real, and it is something that must be realised soon.
You may have noticed my pro-BNP comment immediately above yours on the "I" post on DK.
Rest assured I won't be helping the BNP gain power. A protest vote is another matter. It might only require a handful of BNP MP's to drag the socialists and the Tory's towards a law and order agenda as they fight one another to regain the vote from the man in the street.
I'll settle for that.
TGR Worzel: Thanks, I'm glad that you see some merit in my argument. Please do let me know if you have any further opinions.
John East: Whilst what you say might be true, I cannot help but worry about the potential benefits that the increase in funding would bring the party. A few MPs turns into wider exposure, which leads to an established presence in the political mainstream. It wouldn't be a risk I would be willing to take...
Intellectually stimulating post. This has been keeping me awake for months with worry and concern, that the BfP have been misunderstood somehow. I will be having my first good night's sleep in ages. You have a long career ahead of you with this level of talent and foresight.
Please continue to post on this subject.
Red Kite,
Thank you very much for your flattering response; I will be sure to post on this topic in the near future. Please do continue to stop by, as I intend to update just about everyday from here on in.
The "right wing" label has been stuck on the BNP by a left biased main stream media that has little clue what the BNP actually is (other than what they read from Nu Labour crimp sheets) and are too lazy to get off their collective backsides and find out.
I think you have summed up the BNP in a nutshell.
However, I don't rate Cameron any higher. I hold a similar opinion to DK when it comes to the three main political parties. They are all worthless and are disenfranchising the electorate of an alternative voice. What sort of Tory policy is it that only an Irish "no" vote stands between the UK and the long dark night of the EUSSR?
This formerly lifelong Tory voter will be protest voting for UKIP next May (or June). Cameron doesn't have the backbone, the conviction or the strength of character to take up the reins of power and lift this country out of the socialist mire. Cameron seeing himself the heir to Blair I can believe. Heir to Thatcher he most certainly is not. Blair helped get us into this latest socialist inspired mess. Thatcher hauled us out of the last one.
I'm sorry but my Conservative vision has grown very dim along with Cameron's even dimmer policies. I can only see encroaching darkness. I love my country but, for the first time ever, I'm seriously considering getting the hell out of it.
Just saw this in today’s paper, Cameron pledges announced today, presumably as part of the warm up to next week’s conference.
Double magistrates' sentencing powers from six months to a year, harsher penalties for knife crime, cut police paperwork so more are on the beat.
Head teachers given final say on exclusions to restore discipline in schools
Replacing the Human Rights Act with a Bill of Rights
It looks as if my reluctant support for a BNP protest vote was a bit premature.
The only problem remaining is convincing myself, after the last two lying bastards who were incapable of delivering on their pledges, that Cameron is going to be different.
It's been said that the greatest trick that the Devil accomplished was getting people to believe he doesn't exist. As a corollary, one might say that among the bag of slippery tricks of the Left is to convince the media and public that anything with a taint of racialism must be right wing.
George Orwell some decades ago made the comment that the term 'fascism' had been so broadly abused that it basically meant anything the speaker did not like - more directly, it had no meaning any more at all.
Here in the states, the circus around our current president has so obscured reality that the newspaper of record (the New York Times) actually printed an editorial claiming that there is nothing at all socialist about government intrusion into the health insurance market (these are all university-educated writers, so they presumably know what "socialism" means), and a former president incredibly remarked that opposition to Mr Obama's policies is largely based on racial politics.
No matter that what the BNP in this case are offering is basically warmed-over socialist pap with a pinch of racialism to add spice to help the swill go down, in the eyes of the chattering classes, "racialism" = "right wing."
Ah..The "great circle" of political beliefs. Where the circle meets left and right you find Nationlist Socialists..
BT isn't even hiring grads, and their ongoing drip drip drip of offering voluntary redundancy to everyone of course all the decent folk leave. But they are hiring grads in India into their Tech Mahindra subsidiary, and continuing bringing them into the UK in their tens of thousands on inter company transfer visas. You been on a BT site in the last few years and seen how few Europeans work there?
BP just handed 1.5 billion of IT work to India, not even remarked on in the press, many thousands of Indian nationals will be coming to the UK on inter company transfer visas to work on these BP projects.
The British People have genuine concerns which the current political correctness prevents them discussing.
We have had Labour sound bites “it will be much harder for British firms to employ non European workers” which is just spin and no substance, after Gordon's famous "British jobs for British workers".
The reality is we have a problem with floods of 3rd world workers in this country. The problem is the inter company transfer visas! The leading Indian outsourcers Cognizant, Satyam, Tech Mahindra, Tata, Wipro etc etc have tens and tens of thousands of staff here on these Visas. The staff are not in much of a real sense working for the company which brought them in, rather they are immediately subcontracted (for less than a European could possibly afford to work for) into our public sector and large companies.
India is sucking up some of our key skills, and forcing our own workforce out of work. I should add that such folk after a few years here are eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain and there we have it totally uncontrolled immigration. Also worth noting that they can bring their family in, partners and children who are also entitled from day one of entry access to the NHS and our education system. WHEN I WORK ABROAD I PAY FOR MY HEALTHCARE AND KIDS EDUCATION! Some very seriously ill people coming into the country via this route and draining our health resources. To say nothing of those bring a few kids in and taking places at schools that just could never have planned for such unplanned extra heads to educate. There maybe enough school places on average in the country but there sure is not in the hotspot areas. You any idea how full some of the schools around our biggest IT sites are of the kids of Indian nationals here from the outsourcers?
Many have already got indefinite leave to remain (due to time in the country, or having kids here), when they get this they are finally able to leave the company which brought them in, get a job anywhere in the UK, and help force down even more wages for Europeans (as they had been doing already when subcontracted via their Indian outsourcer). Up until that point they are treated very badly like modern days slaves, indentured servitude.
And I mean this... there is a real undercover story for the press to see how badly treated the worker bees in the Indian outsourcer outfits are! Talk about Chinese cockle pickers, you aint seen nothing. Of course Europeans cannot compete! You probably have not seen how badly they get treated, well I have, I make it my business.
Now the outsourcing and offshoring business has already moved countless tens of thousands of our most highly skilled jobs to India, and similar countries. We have compounded this by allowing totally unrestricted inward movement of Indian nationals on inter company transfer visas. This cannot continue. The country cannot sustain this. Normal market forces are totally broken, and the UK really needs to think long and hard about how it is going to compete with countries which disregard health and safety and the norms of good employment practise.
We should be educating and training our own people, and market forces without this influx would have forced employers to spend more on training our own workforce. Sadly I expect real serious problems for us ahead if we allow this to continue. If we are going to continue to allow this we may as well allow all Indian nationals free work visas, why should we allow the Cognizants to make money simply by providing a mechanism for these folk to get Visas? We need proper managed migration a situation where so many of our own highly qualified folk are unemployed in the recession and we are still allowing tens of thousands of Indian nationals into the country to work cannot be sensible. The government on this as many other issues has lost the plot, victim of lobbying from the big industrialists who like having over supply of workers forcing wages down. We should not be supporting this for the reasons of poor employment practises suffered by the Indians brought in as much as anything, we wouldn't support the slave trade, and this is often little different.
Work visas are not the main issues, inter company transfer visas very much are. What is the point of the work visa system when we have totally unrestricted entry on inter company transfer visas? When was free entry for all using these visas ever put to the British electorate? I don't remember voting for it.
And now the Migration Advisory Committee ”A separate scheme is created for graduates only which would require 3 months prior experience with the company” since most of the folk being brought in by the big Indian outsourcers are grads (don't ask about the quality of their Indian colleges though) this will make it easier not harder to keep the massive flow of these folk into the country coming.
Now the IT and Telco businesses have more than enough Europeans qualified to do the work, many tens of thousands recently thrown out of work. A little bit of retraining maybe but the people are there.
Why are the big Indian outsourcing companies allowed to flout employment law as they do regularly, flout immigration laws (as they do regularly), flood the country with cheap labour? The most obvious illegality is that their Indian workers are supposed to be paid the same as a local, when we all know in the vast majority of cases they are paid significantly less. Such obvious breaking of the rules deserves contempt. It is the Indian outsourcing outfits which deserve contempt for such things, planned intentional and institutional law breaking. Do you have ANY idea the number of people the Indian outsourcers have paid off to keep them away from employment tribunals and court action in this country? So many staff treated so badly they regard paying them off as a normal business expense.
Government action is clearly not sorting this out, for sure under Labour it remains to be seen what the Conservatives do. The big Indian outsourcers have taken at least half a million jobs away from European workers in this country in the last few years, partly by moving work to Indian, and partly with staff here on inter company transfers. The honest decent UK workers playing fair are being shafted big time. European workers cannot compete with 3rd world nationals imported here on inter company transfer Visas.
I am increasingly concerned about how we compete with nations that ignore pollution controls, ignore decent employment practice, ignore health and safety, how can the UK bear the extra cost of these things and the massive cost of our public sector and compete with 3rd world and emerging nations? Especially when we are allowing floods of staff in from these areas and effectively training them up in the very skills that we should be leading the world in, and throwing away our competitive position, and at the same time as throwing our own people on the scrap heap using our own tax spend to send “aid” to the very same countries that are taking the bread from our tables, we really need to rethink our position in the world.
You displace thousands of the role models in the community, often the most educated Brits in a family, by allowing Wipro, Cognizant et al to flood the country with 3rd world nationals and this ripples down so that the folk at the bottom of British society really are suffering.
Many of the people suffering the most cannot put their arguments very eloquently, and they sure don’t have many politicians listening to them at the moment, they are probably not using the most politically correct language, the country is sleepwalking into a position where the BNP or similar is sadly going to gain ever more ground.
It is not racist to want sensible debate on these issues, the logical conclusion that we allow ever more thousands of workers from India and similar nations into this country is clearly not going to work, do the maths? We are only a small nation.
It is not racist to question why we are handing out inter company transfer visas to 3rd world nationals to swamp our workforce, Show me any mainstream party prepared to discuss these matters? We don't want the racist elements of the BNP, but we sure do want some change to much of the chaos of current UK policies.
That the BNP are far left is not a new idea. It's been a regular tag fro them in the Libertarian blogosphere for quite a while.
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