After a few false starts and minor set backs, I have finally taken the plunge and set up shop in the blogosphere. There have been numerous times in the past few months in which I have mooted the merits of penning my thoughts for the world to see, however somehow I never felt that I would be able to dedicate myself to the project in such a way that would do me justice.

I now feel ready.

It may sound strange, but I would like to - in part - thank Gordon Brown for this. Watching his speech today at Labour's annual conference in Brighton, I saw a man desperate to claw at any semblance of power he could lay claim to. It was the death of the Labour party; a sermon led by an over-zealous priest. I have been Conservative my whole politically informed life, but now is the time for me to thrust myself to the forefront of young Conservatives; now is the time to act as the Conservatives en masse should too. It is time to put Labour to the sword and thereby effect the real change this country needs.

So here begins my political journey. Studying Politics at a top university and with a published article to my name as well as an internship in parliament, I am not completely new to this. But all I ask is that you check in every few days and give this blog a real chance; it is the voice of the Conservative future (if I have anything to do with it), and I am here to stay.

Happy reading, I hope you enjoy what I have to say!